Tuesday, October 7, 2008

I Talked to Josh Again

Josh called me Sunday night. It was so good to talk to him again. The last time I talked to him he sounded like a drunken gay sailor under water. His voice sounded like he was under water with a lisp. It was really funny sounding but HARD to understand! I guess it was from a really bad connection!

He sounded like he is doing really good other than really missing Ashly and the kids. I asked him what he needed and he said CANDY... go figure, Josh needing candy... LOL

He said he was on maintenace duty but was fixing vaccum cleaners instead of cleaning toilets... yea for Josh knowing how to be a Mr. Fixer Upper!!

He is in Pencicola Florida for now waiting to take classes so he can move on with life.

Anybody else talk to him... please post your convo. Manda tell us how Zach is and what he's up to.

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